Sunday, January 19, 2014

What signs that a girl is interested in you.

We guys sometimes confuse a girl responses. They are always expecting guys to take the first move and wait until we make the shot, they will only wait most of the time. That is very nature thing for guys and girls. As gents, we should persuade a girl that we are the best men they will ever have. We understand that when you saw a girl who is that one you wanna get, the urge could be quite strong, but after time you probably will have that confusion, should you try to get closer or should both of you remain friends. Well, that could be a very frustrating. You might just lose a good girl if you don't take the move or you will lost a very good friend. Let me help you to know what are girls reaction when you can't guess their reaction about you.

1. She will tell you many her problems
For girls, they talk about details more that guys. They think and talk the same time and they are fast thinker. Girls will share their detail things to someone they trust and that could be you. Even things that are detail as  ails. That is a sign that she trust you, and you are more than just a friend for her. For girls, they like to speak out their problems when they are stress and they will be more comfort after they speak all of it, even the problem haven't solve. So when both of you are having conversation, watch out for signs that she keep on telling you her problem or things that troubling her life. It's a sign of trust, and what you should do next is take the next step.

2. She will care for you
This could be the very obvious sign. If she doesn't considering you as a trustworthy person, she won't care. How you know she care, you know sometimes we guys can't notice it. Well you will know when she ask more question. When she is worry about you, she will ask more question to know more about your problem. So when you keep asking you question about your problem, good sign and great for you. :)

3. She is happy, I mean really happy when you gave a surprise gift
When a girl likes you, your gift appear more precious that others people gift. Even a small gift will help. Why? For girls, people who they treasure will have more happier impact when the person repay them.

Leave your comments and let me know what you think :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What makes a men more appealing?

This question has been a men nightmare. If you could answer it, that would be a good thing, what if you can't? I'm here to help. Why does it matter, you live your life like you used to but it doesn't seems to have a necessary to make yourself more appealing. Well, if you want to have more out of your life, this does help? Why, most of the time, a guy who is more appealing have more chance of getting promoted, getting hot girl maybe, XD, getting more friends, I just conclude it as more successful in life. Human are sentimental species, even though you are great in your job, life or what so ever. A men aren't appealing won't get notice and won't give someone else a sense of manliness. So guys can do to make yourself more appealing.

1. Style

It doesn't men you have to dress to look like someone else, but expensive branded stuff, follow the latest trend. The only and most simple thing is wear the right thing. What I mean the right thing isn't just about the right outfit, what I mean is something that suit you. If you are very skinny guy avoid wearing singlet, that won't make you appealing. Choose things that will fit you. It doesn't need to be very stylist but when you wear something that fit you, that is style my friend.

2. Gentlemen
Have you saw a men who doesn't possess a gentlemen qualities have respect and successful in life. I do but the men I know doesn't have the total 'success' in his life. He only wear the sign 'Successful' when he work, because he is a high rank officer, but in real life. Not really. Job isn't everything, even though you are a men who have 'net worth' XD, but if you doesn't possess gentlemen qualities in life, you are not eligible to title 'Successful' and no one else will respect you in life. As a gentlemen we are polite, humble, respect, understanding and sociable.

3. Achievement
It doesn't mean you have to be a champion of a competition or the best of something else, at least you have some achievement. Don't set the level too high. We are not trying to be famous or trying to beat a record. The achievement I mean is you completed something else. You completed a marathon, that is an achievement. You have a great body, even you didn't join any contest to prove it but people can tell right. That is an achievement too. It doesn't have to be something very awesome but an small achievement can show that you are a men who can do things, although not the best but at least you can do something.

Here you go guys, leave your comment and let me know what you think.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Men's Clutch. Yes or No???

What is a men's clutch? It's the same as a women's clutch, but with masculine design. Their function is simple, you can put all the things you need into this small handheld bag. Example your wallet, I-pad, smartphone, notebook, cigarette if you are a smoker, and a lot more. Their capacity can be quite large if you choose a big one. They came with different size to suit different needs. Here are some of examples of men's clutch look like.

Back in the 90's, men are already started to use these kind of clutches, they mostly use it to bring document. If you have been to Padini clothing store you will notice they are starting to sell these kind of thing. Last time I came across one which is around RM59 if I am not mistaken, simple and quite a nice design, PU leather and inside it has a lot of pockets. What I saw in Malaysia is some men are starting to use it but not much. Most of them are Malay, I have to say Malay guys sometime dress quite stylist. When you carry something like this at shopping mall people with think you are girly. Because from the view of Malaysian, these are not a fashion item for men. So here is the debate, should men have one or not? From my view point, any men with a leather one is good and nice. Brown color works the best, it gives that business and western Europe kind of feel. For me, I do use because I have two, one is canvas and other one is PU leather. To choose one, here are some tips. Do choose a leather one, it's more masculine, and more classy. Don't get one which is small which quite the same size as a women long wallet, not very nice from my point of view plus you can't put much things inside. So guys, do you agree men to use one or you disagree men to use one?
Leave your comments and let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Home Gym equipment.

As many of us are busy with work and always caught in a traffic jam especially you live at KL or PJ, having some simple home Gym equipment can save you time and money. Some people have space and money, they can buy those awesome machine where you see at the Gym, like treadmill, rowing machine, weight machine. Damn! Those ain't cheap Bro, RM2000+ Yo! Sadly most of us don't have that kind of money and space. Average men in Malaysia don't own very big house, and spending that amount of money could be a waste if you don't know how to use it properly, beside it needs maintenance too. Some of you might hate to go to Gym because over crowded, dirty lar, body building feel lar or don't have the time right? Well home training might be just for you. Now lets make it serious a little bit here, if you wanna buy equipment isn't about the price, space and functionality, for me that main thing is commitment. If you wanna do training and be fit, I can tell you is make a time for you to workout. Don't buy it if you are those guys that can't commit to it.

1. Dumbbells

These are the most easiest tools you can get to do some workout. My advice is get an adjustable one, like the one I have now. If you are a beginner, you shouldn't start with heavy weight so buying these can help to increase weight gradually. If you buy those fixed dumbbells, it will cause you even more money and you can not change the weight. The plate is sold separately if you want to increase the weight in the future. One more thing is choose a plastic handle, those iron handle will hurt your hand. Price are around RM250++ for each. There are even more expensive and advance dumbbells which are call power block. They are really expensive but the good thing is the size is same as normal dumbbell but you can adjust the weight easily, meaning you don't have to open the spin lock to change weight like the normal one does.

2. Resistance band/ tube.
If you are busy person who travel a lot and always don't have time to workout then this one if for you. I own one, cost me around RM60 and I use it when I travel, no space needed and easy to carry. They are pretty simple to use but do check before you use them, it might snap if there is a small damage on the tube. There are different resistance bands on the market, some are fixed one which is just band without handle, some with handle, some are non-adjustable and some does. So the best one I found so far is the one in the picture. The tube are detachable and it comes with different levels. If you can't get these, you may get one which the tube is nondetachable but adjustable. The tube is fixed with the handle but you may adjust the tube to the length you want. You can find a lot of exercises from the internet for this equipment.

3. Abs roller
This one I think most of guys who want a six-pack will buy. Its quite cheap and very easy to use. I not really a big fan for this. Because to train abs is quite simple, you can use your own body weight to do it, and the most common problem is guys only focus on using this one and forget to train other body parts. Abs roller only use to train abs, nothing more. For me I prefer to buy something that can train different parts of body.

4. Pull up bar.
These are the one where you hook it at your door frame and train back, abs, biceps and they even usable to train chest and triceps too. This one cost me around RM80+. Before you buy one be sure to check  your door frame. Is there a place for you to hook, if you are like me when the door frame is same  wide as the wall above then you might try to avoid buying it. If not you will end up like me or some other guy who buy it and cant use it. Your door frame should be wider than your wall above to hook it. There are some where it only comes with the bar and nothing to hook. Those are mostly permanently fix it at the door with screws, you cant close the door when you buy it.

5. Jump rope.
No time? Lazy? Then you should get one. I own one too, sometime when my day is like hell and really don't have that energy to lift weight or go out to run, I will use jump rope. It might sound like a girl thing to do but try the advance level. Double under, normal skipping is single under where each jump the rope spin one full circle. Double under is two full circle for one jump. Sounds easy but its like hell when you try to do it. You only need 5 to 10 minutes to do double under and you will burn serious amount of calories and fat.

There you have it, these are the simplest equipment you can get for workout and get that fit body. These are still many types of equipment out there in the market where they are easy to use and save space. I personally think that is not about what equipment you buy, is how you use it. You can use it like your everyday friend or just a Hi Bye friend. Everyday friend will treat you well and give you good results. If you use it like Hi Bye friend where you only use it once in a blue moon then don't expect there will any benefit. Avoid wasting your money to buy those small machine that guarantee results like the one I always saw where the machine shake like earthquake to shake away your fat. Come one lar! Joking mie. If the person eat rubbish food and use that thing also won't change one. Plus shaking the fat ass won't help, the only way you can get six-pack is exercise, no other way. Shortcuts, lazy and easy things wont give good result. You either do it or just accept who you are. This is how Highly-Impressive-Man (HIM) keep six-packs, leave your comments and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Endomorphs, Mesomorphs, Ectomorphs Superhero. Huh? What??

This three are body types, Endomorphs, Mesomorphs, Ectomorphs. Three have different training method and different nutrition requirement. Here I'm going to use superhero to help you understand more each of it and how can you change it.

1. Endomorphs

The most related superhero is definitely Hunk. The superhero with super tough wear jeans that ever made, the jeans won't tear even he becomes bigger. Probably he bough the best Levi's ever. Endomorphs is basically the one who gets call 'Gemuk'. Their body share is round, bulky and higher fat percentage. The advantage with these type of body shape is that they are strong, like Hunk lar! Can crush anything, Strong like hell, so lifting weight and doing power exercise won't be a problem for these guys. The disadvantage is these guys have really high body fat and higher chance of getting hearth disease . Same like those guys you see in the Gym, big in size but very round and fat. The time you think they are Hulk is when they lift those heavy weight and roar like Hulk. The solution, more cardio and watch what you eat, avoid fat, salt and sugar.

2. Mesomorphs
The superhero who are mesomorphs representative is Wolverine. He is only sexy when the blade is out and he is the superhero who always drink alcohol and smoke cigar but still in shape and fit like hell. These are the best body type. These guys are in the middle. They don't have to lift weigh to become muscular, they are already muscular. Like Wolverine, they are strong, muscular, broad shoulder, and big chest. The advantage is they are good in many sports and easy to maintain the fit body shape. The disadvantage is the still need to take care of what they eat, or else still they will grow fat. The solution is train hard and eat well.

3. Ectomorphs
Who are skinny superhero? Yup, the Amazing Spider Man. Who is can only fly or swing at city, if he goes to Kampung I wonder how he fly like he is in the movie. These guys a really skinny, small in frame and low body fat. Many wanna be skinny like these guys, think again. The advantage these guys have is they are good at endurance sport, like marathon. That's why you saw those skinny guys win the marathon champion lor. The greatest advantage they have is they can eat anything they want but still skinny and many HATE this advantage. The disadvantage is they are weak, cant lift heavy weight, they can have really hard time to grow muscles and add some size or weight. The solution is lift heavy, yes, it's a disadvantage but things that kill you will makes you stronger. Skip cardio also, cardio will take away your size and weight.

Here you go guys, this is how Highy-Impressive-Man (HIM) train. Leave me your comment and let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Men's Hairstyles 2014

New year is about to come, have you been thinking about what hairstyle you should get for this coming year 2014? For men, we like to keep it simple and easier to style before we go out, we want quick, simple and most important stylish. Here are the three men's hairstyle for coming 2014 that suit Malaysian guy.

1. Pompadour

 The man who rock is hairstyle is definitely David Beckham, the style icon. After he got this hairstyle it suddenly become his signature. This style has been quite popular since year 2012, but it still rocking. More and more guys are trying to get one like this. To achieve this style, you must must have a very long front fringe, at least the length should be around your nose, keep your sides really short, get a really strong hold wax/gel/clay. One of the tips is blow dry it after you apply your hair product, yes, apply it when its still wet then blow dry it. Use a round comb to pull the front hair up to add volume. Why use a round comb but not a normal one is because it creates a more natural look and its a lot easier.

2. Texture fringe/ bang
To get this hairstyle is far way more easier than the pompadour. No tricky styling technique, just blast the hairdryer to random direction. Keep the front medium length and ask your hairstylist to thinning the front and the sides, because you need to apply some hair product to the front so thinning the hair will make it more natural and wavy, plus it won't make the front heavy. When you applying the product just grab the front hair with some product in your hand and that is, let it be messy. Thinning for the sides is to create the out of bed look, or messy. This hairstyle will be a bit messy.

3. Facial hair

Why this post is about hair and we are now discussing about facial hair. Yes, I put this in is because some of the Malay and Indian guy have one thing that is an advantage (for some of Chinese also). Yes! Their facial hair. For this coming year you will see more and more men are rocking their facial hair. Look at David Beckham, Johnny Depp, and Robert Downy Jr. Pick one that suits you, don't just let it grow like a beggar, do some style on it. Make it like a personal icon. Its really a manly thing to do.

Here you go guys, its time for a new start. That is how Highly-Impressive-Man (HIM) style. Leave your comment and let me know what you think. Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Six-pack 101 for year 2014

A whole new year is about to start. What plans or goals will you have for next coming year? Since many of you guys planning to join Gym next year and Gym will be crowded like Hell, or you probably don't like go to Gym which fill with a lot of meat head but still want to get that six-pack, here I'm going give you a guide on how to plan your fitness plan for the coming year. My aim here is to help people to get started but not helping you to walk on the stage and do posing, that will be way too far, so I won't go too far just some basic things. Here is the 3 steps or I like to call it 3 levels.

Level 1: Body weight exercise.

Alright, this is the basic one. I know you can search bunch of body weight exercises from the internet so there is no point for me to teach you one by one, but my point here is why you need to do start by this but not lifting weight. The reasons are, if you lift weight with no basic you will get tired really fast and injured, you don't know what is resistance, you don't know what is muscles focus, you don't know why you need tempo. So my tips for you is this, start doing it until you build up the habit to train 5 times a week, you can do more reps that before, you can feel muscle burning when you train. The main reason is help you not to quit, which is the most reason why people can't change their physics. If you can't build up the habit, you can quit because you will never get the six-pack. Start searching internet for body weight training and start doing it.

Level 2: Resistance band or simple dumbbell training.

After you can understand how to train your muscles or muscles focus and you have build up your training habit. You can start adding more resistance into you training. You can start buying a resistance band or tube, which cost around RM50 at Fitness Concept, or a simple dumbbell set which cost a little bit more expensive which is around RM250+. I prefer you buy resistance band, its cheaper and you can use it when you travel. Now you can start doing more higher level of resistance training, but start light. That is why I don't recommend you to join Gym yet, you don't pay Gym fee to use light dumbbell and get jam in the traffic, do it at home save time, money, and avoid injury. If you get injured you will feel not just pain, and you cant even do daily task.

Level 3: Join a good Gym

After you feel that those dumbbells and resistance band is too light for you, you may start join a Gym now. Here some tips before you join, make sure there is someone to train with you before you join. The reason being is to help you stay motivated, prevent you from injury, and push yourself further. You will know how important a Gym buddy is. Use proper form when you lift those weight to get the most out of your training.

Here you go guys, if you can beat the level 1, you are on your way to get a good body. What I found is that guys aren't lazy they just don't know how to keep themselves motivated. If you got good body goal for next year, follow this plan. It will help you in a long way. This is how Highly-Impressive-Man train, leave you comments and let me know what you think.