Friday, December 27, 2013

Six-pack 101 for year 2014

A whole new year is about to start. What plans or goals will you have for next coming year? Since many of you guys planning to join Gym next year and Gym will be crowded like Hell, or you probably don't like go to Gym which fill with a lot of meat head but still want to get that six-pack, here I'm going give you a guide on how to plan your fitness plan for the coming year. My aim here is to help people to get started but not helping you to walk on the stage and do posing, that will be way too far, so I won't go too far just some basic things. Here is the 3 steps or I like to call it 3 levels.

Level 1: Body weight exercise.

Alright, this is the basic one. I know you can search bunch of body weight exercises from the internet so there is no point for me to teach you one by one, but my point here is why you need to do start by this but not lifting weight. The reasons are, if you lift weight with no basic you will get tired really fast and injured, you don't know what is resistance, you don't know what is muscles focus, you don't know why you need tempo. So my tips for you is this, start doing it until you build up the habit to train 5 times a week, you can do more reps that before, you can feel muscle burning when you train. The main reason is help you not to quit, which is the most reason why people can't change their physics. If you can't build up the habit, you can quit because you will never get the six-pack. Start searching internet for body weight training and start doing it.

Level 2: Resistance band or simple dumbbell training.

After you can understand how to train your muscles or muscles focus and you have build up your training habit. You can start adding more resistance into you training. You can start buying a resistance band or tube, which cost around RM50 at Fitness Concept, or a simple dumbbell set which cost a little bit more expensive which is around RM250+. I prefer you buy resistance band, its cheaper and you can use it when you travel. Now you can start doing more higher level of resistance training, but start light. That is why I don't recommend you to join Gym yet, you don't pay Gym fee to use light dumbbell and get jam in the traffic, do it at home save time, money, and avoid injury. If you get injured you will feel not just pain, and you cant even do daily task.

Level 3: Join a good Gym

After you feel that those dumbbells and resistance band is too light for you, you may start join a Gym now. Here some tips before you join, make sure there is someone to train with you before you join. The reason being is to help you stay motivated, prevent you from injury, and push yourself further. You will know how important a Gym buddy is. Use proper form when you lift those weight to get the most out of your training.

Here you go guys, if you can beat the level 1, you are on your way to get a good body. What I found is that guys aren't lazy they just don't know how to keep themselves motivated. If you got good body goal for next year, follow this plan. It will help you in a long way. This is how Highly-Impressive-Man train, leave you comments and let me know what you think.


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