Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why Are You Argue With Your Girl???

When you have a girlfriend everything seems nice, like everyday you woke up with the most energetic and most happier emotions ever. Every couple will have their most happiest and most loving period during the first few months of their love journey. After sometime, problems start to occur and things seem not going well for both of you.  But why both of you argue? No one knows why both of you are argue for, now here are 3 tips on how you can avoid argument with your girl.

1. Don't always try to solve everything of your girl problems.

Girls will tell you everything that they can think of during the time. She will tell you about every single problems of they are facing even those tiny one. What she want isn't asking you to help her to solve it, she just want someone (especially you) to listen to her. Women tent to talk more when they are miserable. So when you always trying to solve your girl things so often, she will hate it, next thing argument happen. When you want you to help her, she will ask. So when she doesn't you just listen.

2. She ask you to do this and do that.

This is something we guys will hate. Sometime your girl will order you to do something, and we guys will hate it. Why? Because guys will hate when girls ask us to do something that we dislike or the second reason are when she did that, is like she doubt about our abilities or choices. Example: Clean your bloody dirty room. Instead you angry about it, you should think the other way, girls won't do so when she doesn't care, so accept her though and try to do it, if you get a girlfriend that doesn't care so much, you can start thinking about probably end the relationship.

3. Let her talks about her thing first before your tell her yours
This is quite a simple thing to do, when both you are talking or chatting, as a gentleman you should let you girl talks about her things first. She will feel more relax after she talk about her thing first and it shows that you care about her. Beside that she will listen to you more when she done talking about her own things. This is nature of a girl, you can't change it, you can only accept it.

Here you go guys, this the way to avoid argument with your girl. This is how Highly-Impressive-Men (HIM) treat their girl. Leave your commend and let me know what you think.


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