Saturday, December 14, 2013

Simplest Tips To Get Girls

Now you want to get a girl, probably she is the one you wish to become your GF or you just wanna get more female friends. This question always bother guys. You will definitely have that moment before, that you wanna get someone else attention. If you do it well, you will get her attention but some guys don't. End up you become a clown or did something that spoil the mood. Your bro will look at you and tell you "Apalah lu!' Now let me go into women's mind and see they want.
Big muscles, like Vin Diesel? Tell girls you can protect her, tough guy huh? Tell girl this "Yo girl, my muscle nice or not? Sexy or not?"  Erm......nope. Guys with muscular body do help to attract girls but until certain point.
Handsome face like Lee Min Ho? Or so call pretty boy, then look at girls and shoot your electricity more than TNB can produce?True, but until certain point also. Trust me, girls won't impress just by your face, tell you why later. Here is the 3 simplest tips.

1. Smile!
Easiest way to break the ice. Girls won't feel stress, shy, or hate you when you do so. Why? You are friendly mah. But don't look at the girl and keep smiling nonstop lah, pervert you will be. The best moment when you do so is the first moment you saw her. That 3 second is precious my bro! So like I said, handsome won't help, if you dont have a good smile.

2. Be yourself and be sincere! 

 No other dating website or any other dating experts will miss this. Why? You are who you are, why fake it? The 1st word she will tell her friend about you is FAKE! I don't care who told you that you have to do this or that, or take care your body language to make girls feel impress, if you are not YOU no matter how well your other skills is, all is FAKE! So be sincere also, not FAKE!

3. Understand her and join her!

Every girl is different. Some like certain thing, some don't. Girls is complicated one. So how to use one tip to get different kind of girl? Yup! Understand her. Boys play 'DOTA', you think girls won't ah? Think again. If you know something she likes, join her. She love shopping? You join her lor. You wanna get the girl or not? So what you think you need to do?

Wish you guys best of luck, try these tips. Is the simplest things to do ever.  This is how Highly-Impressive-Men (HIM) get girl they dream. Leave your commend and let me know what you think.


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